
MOSCOW, June 11 (Reuters) – Three people were missing and two injured on Tuesday after a blast on an oil tanker caused a fire while it was pumping oil in …

Singapore-based port operator PSA International is looking to reduce energy use and carbon footprint at the Pasir Panjang Terminal’s container ports. Under a partnership with the Energy Market Authority (EMA), …

Construction of Sweden’s new freight port at Stockholm Norvik Port has reached a new milestone with the completion of its 450-meter container quay. The project has now moved on to …

The European Commission revealed a new funding for an autonomous shipping initiative for the European waters. Under the project titled Autoship, two remote and autonomous (R&A) vessels would be built …

The International Maritime Organization has agreed to re-approach its listing process for the STCW Convention’s White List. According to the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), the IMO agreed to …

China’s crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia rose 43 percent in April, making the Middle Eastern OPEC kingpin once again the top supplier to the world’s second-biggest economy, boosted by …

The arrival of the peak refinery turnaround season in Japan is prompting a slowdown in exports of gasoil and gasoline from the country, and could potentially create opportunities for oil …

Moreover, average price Chinese port operators charge shipping companies to handle their cargoes will likely decline further for three reasons — consolidation of the shipping sector, overcapacityin the port sector, …

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has announced improvements to its Green Connection Environmental Recognition Program which recognizes vessels that comply with the highest environmental performance standards. The announcement was made …

The UK Ship Register (UKSR) has decided to expand its ownership eligibility, allowing more shipping companies from around the world to flag to the UK.

European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has voiced its support for EU proposal to discuss a harmonized approach on scrubbers at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) level.

The Dutch maritime technology sector, which consists of over 100 yards and 800 maritime suppliers, saw its activity rise slightly in 2018.